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London Vet Show 2023: Volition Veterinary Highlights.

November 30, 2023

Earlier this month, we attended London Vet Show, Europe’s largest veterinary exhibition, to launch our Nu.Q® Vet Cancer test to the UK and Ireland markets through our two new collaborators, Veterinary Pathology Group (VPG), and NationWide Laboratories (NVS).

We spoke to many attendees from the veterinary field at our booth and hosted talks featuring our Research Director, Dr. Rebecca Timmons, and Dr. Sue Ettinger, aka Dr. Sue Cancer Vet, a practicing veterinary cancer specialist, international speaker, book author, and vlogger.

Watch our video for highlights of London Vet Show 2023:

London Vet Show 2023
Highlights from London Vet Show 2023

Tom Butera, Chief Executive Officer of Volition Veterinary, said:

“We are launching here with VPG, which is an excellent reference laboratory here, as well as NationWide Laboratories, giving us broad coverage throughout the UK. Our tests are being ordered as we speak, and we are just delighted to finally be able to come to the UK.”

Fiona Gosling, CEO, Veterinary Pathology Group, said:

“We have had so much interest at the London Vet Show, but also so much interest since we’ve launched it. We are very excited about what we can do, hopefully bring the diagnosis earlier for the patient so that they get the result earlier and prolong the life of pets. Fundamentally, we are here for the animals.”